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Easy to use, quick to detect.

fentdetect fentanyl testing kit packaging

Just wipe and check for an instant change in color

FentDetect's fentanyl detection wipes instantly identify traces of fentanyl on surfaces and multiple drug forms. 

How does it work? 

The fentanyl detection wipes are extremely easy and safe to use - as easy as an alcohol wipe. Simply open the package, remove the wipe, and apply to the material to be tested for fentanyl contamination, whether it's a powder, pill, residue or a liquid. These wipes are also used on surfaces such as tables, nightstands, desks, or chairs. 

Once a surface and/or material has been wiped, simply look for any color change that appears on the wipe. Areas of pink are easily observed if fentanyl or other opioids are present.

fentanyl testing strips_how_open
1. Open
Open packaging (do not unfold wipe)
fentanyl testing strips_how_wipe
2. Wipe
Wipe surface and/or drug form
fentanyl testing strips_how_look
3. Look
Check if wipe turns hot pink, which indicates fentanyl may be present*
*FentDetect wipes are designed for risk management, not drug testing. Please note, occasional false positives may occur with wipes. Intended for harm reduction and awareness purposes only.

Reduce harm, save lives

Fentanyl is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. More than 150 people die a day from  synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

According to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), fentanyl is around 50 times stronger than heroin and a 100 times stronger than morphine. In addition to being more dangerous, it is also more addictive, affordable and available. Unfortnately, many users are unaware that their drugs or pills may be laced with fentanyl. Drug traffickers tend to cut corners to save money and increase addiction by adding synthetic opioids that can be lethal.

The CDC estimates that "110,511 people in the United States died of drug overdoses and poisonings in 2022, with almost 70 percent of those deaths involving synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Only two milligrams of fentanyl is considered a potentially lethal dose."

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Check on your loved ones - conduct a safety check

FentDetect is the only product that instantly detects traces of multiple forms of fentanyl. Concerned parents, friends and family use fentanyl detection wipes to check on the safety of their loved ones.*

As a concerned parent, employer, or event organizer, our fentanyl drug test wipes offer peace of mind by helping you maintain a drug-free environment. A Fentanyl test can be the first step for the process of recovery for you or a loved one.

  • Fentanyl drug test wipes can be used on various surfaces, including countertops, door handles, car keys, bags and personal items, ensuring a comprehensive sweep for potential drug traces.
  • Non-invasive - These wipes do not damage surfaces or alter the integrity of materials, making them suitable for testing a wide range of objects
  • Fentanyl drug test wipes can be used on various surfaces, including countertops, door handles, bags, and personal items, ensuring a comprehensive sweep for potential drug traces.

*FentDetect wipes are designed for risk management, not drug testing. Please note, occasional false positives may occur with wipes. Intended for harm reduction and awareness purposes only.

Detect traces of fentanyl in all forms and states

FentDetect can detect fentanyl on multiple drug forms or paraphernalia, including powders, pills, residue, liquids, pipes, bags and needles.


Quickly test for traces of fentanyl on common surfaces


Trusted by professionals, available to the public

Fentanyl detection wipes are currently being used law enforcement agencies across the country.